Wisconsin Asphalt Pavement Association (WAPA)
Wisconsin Asphalt Pavement Association (WAPA) is a Wisconsin Non Profit association representing the interests of the Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) industry in Wisconsin. WAPA has 20 hot mix asphalt producer members and more than 80 associate members.
Wisconsin Concrete Pavement Association (WCPA)
The members of the Wisconsin Concrete Pavement Association (WCPA) are Wisconsin-based contractors, cement and ready-mix producers, manufacturers, and suppliers.
WCPA has represented members to industry and the public since 1952. We are recognized as the voice of the concrete pavement industry in Wisconsin. Our office in Madison allows close communication with the DOT.
Members receive ongoing communication about the concrete industry through this website, social media, e-mail updates, and in-person events.
Aggregate Producers of Wisconsin (APW)
The Aggregate Producers of Wisconsin (APW) is a non-profit, statewide trade association dedicated solely to the concerns of crushed stone, sand and gravel producers, and to businesses that provide goods and services to the aggregate industry.
The Association is governed by an eleven-member Board of Directors comprising of eight Producer Members, two Associate Members, and one Past President. Producer members serve for three-year terms and associate members are elected for a two-year term. The Board meets monthly. Officers are elected for a one-year term. The Association holds annual elections, an annual convention and business meetings for all members.
Wisconsin Earth Movers Association (WEMA)
WEMA maintains strong working ties with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation that generate a high quality work product, enhance public safety and reduces the environmental impact of infrastructure construction.
WEMA’s members include grading contractors that contract with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, and companies that service that industry, including equipment suppliers, materials suppliers, and insurance companies. In addition to WisDOT work our members also provide their services to municipalities and the private sector.
Wisconsin Ready Mixed Concrete Association
Wisconsin Underground Contractors Association
WUCA is a trade organization representing company members operating in the state of Wisconsin to improve water and sewer, gas distribution, and communication systems.
Transportation Development Association of Wisconsin (TDA)
The Transportation Development Association of Wisconsin is a statewide alliance of 400-plus stakeholders committed to advancing the best in transportation. TDA members include businesses, labor unions, citizen groups, units of government, and individuals. All share one important goal: the development and maintenance of a safe, modern, interconnected transportation network that will support a robust economy and enhance the quality of life for everyone in Wisconsin.
TDA was one of the first transportation groups in the nation to bring together such a broad-based membership to advocate for all transportation types. Today, more than 15 states have multimodal membership organizations like TDA.
Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT)
Highway Construction Contract Info:
Bid Letting Dates and Info (2023):
Department of Workforce Development (DWD)
This site gives you information about the Department’s labor law administrative activities. Click on the “Information and Services for Employers” link to get information about unemployment insurance, worker’s comp, recruiting assistance, taxes, health and safety, and business development. It includes a link to the Wisconsin Business Resource Network and to Department publications.
Highway Technician Certification Program (HTCP)
HTCP provides the training and certification required by DOT Quality Management Program (QMP) specifications.
Bureau of Transportation Statistics
The focus of the BTS, an operating administration of the Department of Transportation, is to show statistics related to the nation’s transportation systems and their effects on the public. Within the site are statistics on all types of transportation methods, including air, ground, water and space and so on.
Federal Highway Administration
This site offers information related to federal highway projects.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
For information about employment discrimination and how to prevent it, visit the EEOC website. It includes links to the EEOC Technical Assistance Program, small business information page, and facts about enforcement and litigation.
U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)
The DOL website has abundant information about legislation and regulations, statistics, and programs and services. The Elaws service (Employment Laws Assistance for Workers and Small Businesses) is a series of individual Advisors designed to help you understand your rights and responsibilities as an employee or employer. Click on the “DOL Agencies” button to get to links for OSHA and MSHA.
U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT)
DOT’s website provides extensive information about national transportation policy, and the activities of the Department’s administrations, such as the Federal Highway Administration. It includes information about legislation and regulations, safety issues, new technologies, and a Life-Long Learning Center dedicated to ongoing adult transportation education.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
This site provides information about federal environmental protection activities. Sections include regulations and federal register notices, publications, projects and programs, office locations and contacts, and databases such as the Environmental Data Registry and Envirofacts.
The National Stone & Gravel Association
The National Stone & Gravel Association is a trade association representing the interests of sand, gravel and crushed stone producers internationally. Its Web site offers information on government issues affecting the industry, calendar of events and seminars.
American Society of Transportation Engineers
The ASTE “promotes the quality planning, design, construction, maintenance and operation of safe and efficient highways.” Its Web site provides a basic range of content including the Scanner Newsletter, which features articles of interest on highway construction and trends affecting the industry.
American Underground-Construction Association
The AUCA’s Web site explores the development and use of underground facilities worldwide. Visitors will find an extensive membership directory, national and international industry news, an events calendar and a section titled Project of the Month, which showcases innovative underground projects. Past projects are archived for later viewing.
Associated General Contractors (AGC) of America
Contractors will find the AGC’s Web site’s Core content areas include: Constructor Magazine information on legislative activities, education and training, safety issues and labor and human resources. Members have access to a wider range of materials such as Davis Beacon Bulletins, Environmental Bulletins and special publications like Human Resources & Labor News, Construction Business Computing and Market Division News & Bulletins.
ARTBA’s website includes updates on federal legislation and regulations, news on their advocacy efforts on behalf of the transportation building industry, and the online Buyer’s Guide and Transportation Construction Safety Products Guide.
This site provides online access to AASHTO’s Weekly Transportation Report, and to the weekly AASHTO Regulatory Monitor. It describes AASHTO’s numerous programs and services, and meetings and events, and includes a bookstore for transportation publications.
Institute of Transportation Engineers
The Institute of Transportation Engineers is an international organization of transportation professionals that dedicates itself to providing its members and the public with information on “safe and efficient surface transportation through planning, designing, implementing, operating and maintaining surface transportation systems worldwide.” Its Web site offers an array of materials from educational resources and publications to technical documents and transportation analysis papers.