Leading WTBA’s in-house government affairs & political outreach team, Elise brings two decades of experience working in or directly with the Wisconsin State Legislature and administration. She is well-respected for, among many things, her creativity and diverse set of stakeholder relationships.
Matt Grove
Providing a wealth of experience in highway engineering and contracting, Matt specializes in developing and negotiating WisDOT specifications & contract administration policy, membership training, dispute resolution, labor development and minority contracting collaboration, union labor negotiations and mediating state and federal labor contract & compliance issues.
Kevin Traas
With more than three decades experience in state budgets, infrastructure financing & transportation policy, Kevin carries a diverse transportation background to the government affairs team, as well as strong writing and analytical skills. He has a deep understanding of the transportation construction industry.
Steve Baas
With over 30 years of media, government, chamber and association leadership experience, Steve leads the WTBA team, working with the WTBA Board to set Association priorities and with the staff to execute on those goals.