Highway 76 (Outagamie & Waupaca counties)
- County
- Outagamie & Waupaca counties
- Project Cost
- $7.4 million
- Schedule
- Summer 2023-Summer 2024
- Contractor
- Northeast Asphalt - A Walbec Company
The existing pavement is showing signs of distress including traverse cracking and the existing joints are failing. The purpose of the project is to improve the deteriorating pavement and structures on WIS 76, extend the roadway’s service life, decrease maintenance costs, and upgrade other roadway deficiencies to improve safety. Intersection modifications will provide improved turning movements and increase safety. Project improvements Project ID 6518-00-70 (Waupaca County: County Line to US 45)
- Mill/overlay of the existing pavement
- Realigning median islands on WIS 76/WIS 22 at US 45 intersection
- Widening for an improved right turn lane on WIS 22 at US 45 intersection
- Pavement markings and shoulder gravel
- Mill/overlay of existing pavement
- Culvert replacements (complete 2023)
- Beamguard replacements
- Curb ramp replacements within the village of Bear Creek
- Pavement markings and shoulder gravel
- Replace two existing bridges with box culverts (complete 2023)
- Pavement markings and shoulder gravel (complete 2023)