February 7, 2025
By Lane Kimble
You can find a lot of different things on Amazon these days.
But we’re willing to bet you couldn’t stock your “cart” with a helicopter wild boar hunt, tickets to see Def Leppard, an excavator rental, the “Benesch Six-Pack,” and some award-winning Racine Kringle. (Keep dreaming, Bezos.)
Want to guess where you can get all that and more? The WTBA/TEF Scholarship Auction, which goes live Monday, Feb. 10!
Back by popular demand for a second straight year, WTBA has assembled an online silent auction running the two weeks leading up to the in-person auction, set for Monday, Feb. 24 at the Annual Convention in Florida.
The website itself is up and running at wtbaauction.givesmart.com, so you can browse items, start planning your strategy, and make sure you can log into your account. (If you participated in the auction last year, your email and password will have carried over. You can contact Lane if you have any issues signing in).
The best part? You can still participate in the online auction even if you’re not able to join us at Convention!
More than 30 silent items will be up for grabs, ranging from Packers, Brewers, Badgers, and Bucks tickets to Summerfest shows, pheasant hunts, and the latest tech.
Staff extends a major kudos to the WTBA of Tomorrow Board and the Associate Council for coordinating with the more than 50 donors who provided items and cash.
Proceeds benefit both the WTBA Scholarship Program and the Transportation Education Fund, which helps the public understand the importance of our industry statewide year-round.
Make sure to start bidding online Monday at 10 a.m. and keep the excitement going through Convention!